Werner Kerschbaumer

Umbrella Local Expert

Werner Kerschbaumer


English, Afrikaans
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About Me

Werner Kershchbaumer came to digital marketing by way of running his own businesses. He understands the challenges faced by small businesses and is dedicated to helping other businesses through digital marketing.

Werner Kerschbaumer’s professional background is in health. The digital marketing seed was planted in his first year in practice (1999), back when webinars were starting to become easily accessible to consumers. He acquired a local dealership for specialised medical software and realised that a local online presence was needed. Being a DIY’er and voracious reader, he learned html to manually code a website to market the software. Building websites quickly became a hobby.

After years of helping friends and colleagues with basic websites and sales webpages, he changed lanes from full-time to part-time practice, in order to also consult for a natural medicine contract manufacturer, assist in the family business and to learn more about digital marketing. He subsequently helped to expand his family’s natural health products business from being only a wholesale supplier to retail outlets, to a fully fledged online store.

Between 2007 to 2018 he started and grew a juice distributorship to generate over $2 million per year, by focusing heavily on applying emerging digital marketing techniques to generate free online traffic and to close sales and train distributors with automated systems.

Werner is driven to help people and the health industry seemed like a logical path to help make the world a better place. But a severe health challenge in 2019, which lasted until after Covid-19 lockdowns started, led to him eventually closing his practice permanently in 2020.

While exploring future work options, he decided to look into changing his website hobby into something more serious. During that same time he also rekindled a deep desire he had from childhood – to help alleviate poverty. He had an “aha!” moment. Werener says,  “By building a digital marketing agency I can help other businesses to grow. Growing businesses employ more people and create more opportunities for other entrepreneurs to create more work for even more people. I found my way to contribute towards making the world a better place!”

We all have a story behind our struggles and our successes. Werner would love to help your business to grow and become part of your success story. His vision and goal in this regard is simple: Help you with online marketing tactics to grow your business so that we can help to alleviate poverty together.

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